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Todd and Jingyu-Find You-映帆歌曲試聽下載-I must be out of my mind, out of my optimistic mind

時間:2017-11-28 11:26 作者:映帆音樂 閱讀:10578

歌曲名稱:Find You
組合名稱:Todd and Jingyu
歸屬專輯:Find Me Find You:A Story


Find You

演唱:Todd and Jingyu
詞曲、編曲:Todd Lerner

Words and Music by Todd Lerner

I must be out of my mind, out of my optimistic mind
I think I can really find you

Come find me, you will come find me
Maybe I’m naive ’cause I still believe

You’ll drop your packages at the door
Throw your arms around me
With your cute, little, perky, curvy, bursting, wholesome beauty
Confident yet innocent
My balanced happy woman
You’ll laugh when I’m a dopey man
Your eyes will say they understand

I must be out of my mind, out of my idealistic mind
I believe that I must find you

A man complete but still a boy so sweet
You’ll be strong yet kind, you will come and find me

Boy: I must be out of my mind, out of my optimistic mind
Girl: Come find me, you will come find me

Boy: ’Cause I think that I can find you, I’m
Girl: Maybe I’m naive ’cause I still believe

Boy: Out of my mind, out of my idealistic mind
Girl: In a man complete but still a boy so sweet

Boy: ’Cause I believe that I must find you
Girl: You’ll be strong yet kind, you will come and find me

Find me

(C) Todd Lerner, 2017


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